Permanent Residence - Self-Employed

The Self-Employed Persons Program is for individuals who have either i) participated at a world-class level, and/or ii) were self-employed in cultural activities, the arts, or athletics. In the past five years, you must have obtained two years of experience in one of the two areas, or a combination of world-class plus self-employment experience. In addition, you must be able and willing to work as a self-employed person in Canada.  We have assisted musicians, actors, dancers and writers, as well as athletes, martial artists, coaches, and a variety of teachers realize their dream of living and working in Canada.

The program uses a points system to assess eligibility to apply, and you must score at least 35/100 based on your education, experience, age, language ability, and adaptability (spouse’s education, previous work or study in Canada, and relatives in Canada). There are several occupations which may count as relevant experience, which can be found in the National Occupation Classification (NOC), and we can help you identify the best fit. With extensive experience in immigration, our team can create the best strategy and assist you to submit a strong application.